Source code for hcloud._client

from __future__ import annotations

import time
from typing import NoReturn

import requests

from .__version__ import VERSION
from ._exceptions import APIException
from .actions import ActionsClient
from .certificates import CertificatesClient
from .datacenters import DatacentersClient
from .firewalls import FirewallsClient
from .floating_ips import FloatingIPsClient
from .images import ImagesClient
from .isos import IsosClient
from .load_balancer_types import LoadBalancerTypesClient
from .load_balancers import LoadBalancersClient
from .locations import LocationsClient
from .networks import NetworksClient
from .placement_groups import PlacementGroupsClient
from .primary_ips import PrimaryIPsClient
from .server_types import ServerTypesClient
from .servers import ServersClient
from .ssh_keys import SSHKeysClient
from .volumes import VolumesClient

[docs] class Client: """Base Client for accessing the Hetzner Cloud API""" _version = VERSION _retry_wait_time = 0.5 __user_agent_prefix = "hcloud-python" def __init__( self, token: str, api_endpoint: str = "", application_name: str | None = None, application_version: str | None = None, poll_interval: int = 1, timeout: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None, ): """Create a new Client instance :param token: Hetzner Cloud API token :param api_endpoint: Hetzner Cloud API endpoint :param application_name: Your application name :param application_version: Your application _version :param poll_interval: Interval for polling information from Hetzner Cloud API in seconds :param timeout: Requests timeout in seconds """ self.token = token self._api_endpoint = api_endpoint self._application_name = application_name self._application_version = application_version self._requests_session = requests.Session() self._requests_timeout = timeout self.poll_interval = poll_interval self.datacenters = DatacentersClient(self) """DatacentersClient Instance :type: :class:`DatacentersClient <hcloud.datacenters.client.DatacentersClient>` """ self.locations = LocationsClient(self) """LocationsClient Instance :type: :class:`LocationsClient <hcloud.locations.client.LocationsClient>` """ self.servers = ServersClient(self) """ServersClient Instance :type: :class:`ServersClient <hcloud.servers.client.ServersClient>` """ self.server_types = ServerTypesClient(self) """ServerTypesClient Instance :type: :class:`ServerTypesClient <hcloud.server_types.client.ServerTypesClient>` """ self.volumes = VolumesClient(self) """VolumesClient Instance :type: :class:`VolumesClient <hcloud.volumes.client.VolumesClient>` """ self.actions = ActionsClient(self) """ActionsClient Instance :type: :class:`ActionsClient <hcloud.actions.client.ActionsClient>` """ self.images = ImagesClient(self) """ImagesClient Instance :type: :class:`ImagesClient <hcloud.images.client.ImagesClient>` """ self.isos = IsosClient(self) """ImagesClient Instance :type: :class:`IsosClient <hcloud.isos.client.IsosClient>` """ self.ssh_keys = SSHKeysClient(self) """SSHKeysClient Instance :type: :class:`SSHKeysClient <hcloud.ssh_keys.client.SSHKeysClient>` """ self.floating_ips = FloatingIPsClient(self) """FloatingIPsClient Instance :type: :class:`FloatingIPsClient <hcloud.floating_ips.client.FloatingIPsClient>` """ self.primary_ips = PrimaryIPsClient(self) """PrimaryIPsClient Instance :type: :class:`PrimaryIPsClient <hcloud.primary_ips.client.PrimaryIPsClient>` """ self.networks = NetworksClient(self) """NetworksClient Instance :type: :class:`NetworksClient <hcloud.networks.client.NetworksClient>` """ self.certificates = CertificatesClient(self) """CertificatesClient Instance :type: :class:`CertificatesClient <hcloud.certificates.client.CertificatesClient>` """ self.load_balancers = LoadBalancersClient(self) """LoadBalancersClient Instance :type: :class:`LoadBalancersClient <hcloud.load_balancers.client.LoadBalancersClient>` """ self.load_balancer_types = LoadBalancerTypesClient(self) """LoadBalancerTypesClient Instance :type: :class:`LoadBalancerTypesClient <hcloud.load_balancer_types.client.LoadBalancerTypesClient>` """ self.firewalls = FirewallsClient(self) """FirewallsClient Instance :type: :class:`FirewallsClient <hcloud.firewalls.client.FirewallsClient>` """ self.placement_groups = PlacementGroupsClient(self) """PlacementGroupsClient Instance :type: :class:`PlacementGroupsClient <hcloud.placement_groups.client.PlacementGroupsClient>` """ def _get_user_agent(self) -> str: """Get the user agent of the hcloud-python instance with the user application name (if specified) :return: The user agent of this hcloud-python instance """ user_agents = [] for name, version in [ (self._application_name, self._application_version), (self.__user_agent_prefix, self._version), ]: if name is not None: user_agents.append(name if version is None else f"{name}/{version}") return " ".join(user_agents) def _get_headers(self) -> dict: headers = { "User-Agent": self._get_user_agent(), "Authorization": f"Bearer {self.token}", } return headers def _raise_exception_from_response(self, response: requests.Response) -> NoReturn: raise APIException( code=response.status_code, message=response.reason, details={"content": response.content}, ) def _raise_exception_from_content(self, content: dict) -> NoReturn: raise APIException( code=content["error"]["code"], message=content["error"]["message"], details=content["error"]["details"], )
[docs] def request( # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] self, method: str, url: str, tries: int = 1, **kwargs, ) -> dict: """Perform a request to the Hetzner Cloud API, wrapper around requests.request :param method: HTTP Method to perform the Request :param url: URL of the Endpoint :param tries: Tries of the request (used internally, should not be set by the user) :param timeout: Requests timeout in seconds :return: Response """ timeout = kwargs.pop("timeout", self._requests_timeout) response = self._requests_session.request( method=method, url=self._api_endpoint + url, headers=self._get_headers(), timeout=timeout, **kwargs, ) content = response.content try: if len(content) > 0: content = response.json() except (TypeError, ValueError): self._raise_exception_from_response(response) if not response.ok: if content: assert isinstance(content, dict) if content["error"]["code"] == "rate_limit_exceeded" and tries < 5: time.sleep(tries * self._retry_wait_time) tries = tries + 1 return self.request(method, url, tries, **kwargs) self._raise_exception_from_content(content) else: self._raise_exception_from_response(response) # TODO: return an empty dict instead of an empty string when content == "". return content # type: ignore[return-value]