Source code for hcloud.load_balancers.domain

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal

from dateutil.parser import isoparse

from ..core import BaseDomain, DomainIdentityMixin

    from ..actions import BoundAction
    from ..certificates import BoundCertificate
    from ..load_balancer_types import BoundLoadBalancerType
    from ..locations import BoundLocation
    from ..metrics import Metrics
    from ..networks import BoundNetwork
    from ..servers import BoundServer
    from .client import BoundLoadBalancer

[docs] class LoadBalancer(BaseDomain, DomainIdentityMixin): """LoadBalancer Domain :param id: int ID of the Load Balancer :param name: str Name of the Load Balancer (must be unique per project) :param created: datetime Point in time when the Load Balancer was created :param protection: dict Protection configuration for the Load Balancer :param labels: dict User-defined labels (key-value pairs) :param location: Location Location of the Load Balancer :param public_net: :class:`PublicNetwork <hcloud.load_balancers.domain.PublicNetwork>` Public network information. :param private_net: List[:class:`PrivateNet <hcloud.load_balancers.domain.PrivateNet`] Private networks information. :param algorithm: LoadBalancerAlgorithm The algorithm the Load Balancer is currently using :param services: List[LoadBalancerService] The services the LoadBalancer is currently serving :param targets: LoadBalancerTarget The targets the LoadBalancer is currently serving :param load_balancer_type: LoadBalancerType The type of the Load Balancer :param outgoing_traffic: int, None Outbound Traffic for the current billing period in bytes :param ingoing_traffic: int, None Inbound Traffic for the current billing period in bytes :param included_traffic: int Free Traffic for the current billing period in bytes """ __slots__ = ( "id", "name", "public_net", "private_net", "location", "algorithm", "services", "load_balancer_type", "protection", "labels", "targets", "created", "outgoing_traffic", "ingoing_traffic", "included_traffic", ) # pylint: disable=too-many-locals def __init__( self, id: int, name: str | None = None, public_net: PublicNetwork | None = None, private_net: list[PrivateNet] | None = None, location: BoundLocation | None = None, algorithm: LoadBalancerAlgorithm | None = None, services: list[LoadBalancerService] | None = None, load_balancer_type: BoundLoadBalancerType | None = None, protection: dict | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, targets: list[LoadBalancerTarget] | None = None, created: str | None = None, outgoing_traffic: int | None = None, ingoing_traffic: int | None = None, included_traffic: int | None = None, ): = id = name self.created = isoparse(created) if created else None self.public_net = public_net self.private_net = private_net self.location = location self.algorithm = algorithm = services self.load_balancer_type = load_balancer_type self.targets = targets = protection self.labels = labels self.outgoing_traffic = outgoing_traffic self.ingoing_traffic = ingoing_traffic self.included_traffic = included_traffic
[docs] class LoadBalancerService(BaseDomain): """LoadBalancerService Domain :param protocol: str Protocol of the service Choices: tcp, http, https :param listen_port: int Required when protocol is tcp, must be unique per Load Balancer. :param destination_port: int Required when protocol is tcp :param proxyprotocol: bool Enable proxyprotocol :param health_check: LoadBalancerHealthCheck Configuration for health checks :param http: LoadBalancerServiceHttp Configuration for http/https protocols, required when protocol is http/https """ def __init__( self, protocol: str | None = None, listen_port: int | None = None, destination_port: int | None = None, proxyprotocol: bool | None = None, health_check: LoadBalancerHealthCheck | None = None, http: LoadBalancerServiceHttp | None = None, ): self.protocol = protocol self.listen_port = listen_port self.destination_port = destination_port self.proxyprotocol = proxyprotocol self.health_check = health_check self.http = http # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
[docs] def to_payload(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Generates the request payload from this domain object. """ payload: dict[str, Any] = {} if self.protocol is not None: payload["protocol"] = self.protocol if self.listen_port is not None: payload["listen_port"] = self.listen_port if self.destination_port is not None: payload["destination_port"] = self.destination_port if self.proxyprotocol is not None: payload["proxyprotocol"] = self.proxyprotocol if self.http is not None: http: dict[str, Any] = {} if self.http.cookie_name is not None: http["cookie_name"] = self.http.cookie_name if self.http.cookie_lifetime is not None: http["cookie_lifetime"] = self.http.cookie_lifetime if self.http.redirect_http is not None: http["redirect_http"] = self.http.redirect_http if self.http.sticky_sessions is not None: http["sticky_sessions"] = self.http.sticky_sessions http["certificates"] = [ for certificate in self.http.certificates or [] ] payload["http"] = http if self.health_check is not None: health_check: dict[str, Any] = { "protocol": self.health_check.protocol, "port": self.health_check.port, "interval": self.health_check.interval, "timeout": self.health_check.timeout, "retries": self.health_check.retries, } if self.health_check.protocol is not None: health_check["protocol"] = self.health_check.protocol if self.health_check.port is not None: health_check["port"] = self.health_check.port if self.health_check.interval is not None: health_check["interval"] = self.health_check.interval if self.health_check.timeout is not None: health_check["timeout"] = self.health_check.timeout if self.health_check.retries is not None: health_check["retries"] = self.health_check.retries if self.health_check.http is not None: health_check_http: dict[str, Any] = {} if self.health_check.http.domain is not None: health_check_http["domain"] = self.health_check.http.domain if self.health_check.http.path is not None: health_check_http["path"] = self.health_check.http.path if self.health_check.http.response is not None: health_check_http["response"] = self.health_check.http.response if self.health_check.http.status_codes is not None: health_check_http["status_codes"] = ( self.health_check.http.status_codes ) if self.health_check.http.tls is not None: health_check_http["tls"] = self.health_check.http.tls health_check["http"] = health_check_http payload["health_check"] = health_check return payload
[docs] class LoadBalancerServiceHttp(BaseDomain): """LoadBalancerServiceHttp Domain :param cookie_name: str Name of the cookie used for Session Stickness :param cookie_lifetime: str Lifetime of the cookie used for Session Stickness :param certificates: list IDs of the Certificates to use for TLS/SSL termination by the Load Balancer; empty for TLS/SSL passthrough or if protocol is "http" :param redirect_http: bool Redirect traffic from http port 80 to port 443 :param sticky_sessions: bool Use sticky sessions. Only available if protocol is "http" or "https". """ def __init__( self, cookie_name: str | None = None, cookie_lifetime: str | None = None, certificates: list[BoundCertificate] | None = None, redirect_http: bool | None = None, sticky_sessions: bool | None = None, ): self.cookie_name = cookie_name self.cookie_lifetime = cookie_lifetime self.certificates = certificates self.redirect_http = redirect_http self.sticky_sessions = sticky_sessions
[docs] class LoadBalancerHealthCheck(BaseDomain): """LoadBalancerHealthCheck Domain :param protocol: str Protocol of the service Choices: tcp, http, https :param port: int Port the healthcheck will be performed on :param interval: int Interval we trigger health check in :param timeout: int Timeout in sec after a try is assumed as timeout :param retries: int Retries we perform until we assume a target as unhealthy :param http: LoadBalancerHealtCheckHttp HTTP Config """ def __init__( self, protocol: str | None = None, port: int | None = None, interval: int | None = None, timeout: int | None = None, retries: int | None = None, http: LoadBalancerHealtCheckHttp | None = None, ): self.protocol = protocol self.port = port self.interval = interval self.timeout = timeout self.retries = retries self.http = http
[docs] class LoadBalancerHealtCheckHttp(BaseDomain): """LoadBalancerHealtCheckHttp Domain :param domain: str Domain name to send in HTTP request. Can be null: In that case we will not send a domain name :param path: str HTTP Path send in Request :param response: str Optional HTTP response to receive in order to pass the health check :param status_codes: list List of HTTP status codes to receive in order to pass the health check :param tls: bool Type of health check """ def __init__( self, domain: str | None = None, path: str | None = None, response: str | None = None, status_codes: list | None = None, tls: bool | None = None, ): self.domain = domain self.path = path self.response = response self.status_codes = status_codes self.tls = tls
[docs] class LoadBalancerTarget(BaseDomain): """LoadBalancerTarget Domain :param type: str Type of the resource, can be server or label_selector :param server: Server Target server :param label_selector: LoadBalancerTargetLabelSelector Target label selector :param ip: LoadBalancerTargetIP Target IP :param use_private_ip: bool use the private IP instead of primary public IP :param health_status: list List of health statuses of the services on this target. Only present for target types "server" and "ip". """ def __init__( self, type: str | None = None, server: BoundServer | None = None, label_selector: LoadBalancerTargetLabelSelector | None = None, ip: LoadBalancerTargetIP | None = None, use_private_ip: bool | None = None, health_status: list[LoadBalancerTargetHealthStatus] | None = None, ): self.type = type self.server = server self.label_selector = label_selector self.ip = ip self.use_private_ip = use_private_ip self.health_status = health_status
[docs] def to_payload(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Generates the request payload from this domain object. """ payload: dict[str, Any] = { "type": self.type, } if self.use_private_ip is not None: payload["use_private_ip"] = self.use_private_ip if self.type == "server": if self.server is None: raise ValueError(f"server is not defined in target {self!r}") payload["server"] = {"id":} elif self.type == "label_selector": if self.label_selector is None: raise ValueError(f"label_selector is not defined in target {self!r}") payload["label_selector"] = {"selector": self.label_selector.selector} elif self.type == "ip": if self.ip is None: raise ValueError(f"ip is not defined in target {self!r}") payload["ip"] = {"ip": self.ip.ip} return payload
[docs] class LoadBalancerTargetHealthStatus(BaseDomain): """LoadBalancerTargetHealthStatus Domain :param listen_port: Load Balancer Target listen port :param status: Load Balancer Target status. Choices: healthy, unhealthy, unknown """ def __init__( self, listen_port: int | None = None, status: str | None = None, ): self.listen_port = listen_port self.status = status
[docs] class LoadBalancerTargetLabelSelector(BaseDomain): """LoadBalancerTargetLabelSelector Domain :param selector: str Target label selector """ def __init__(self, selector: str | None = None): self.selector = selector
[docs] class LoadBalancerTargetIP(BaseDomain): """LoadBalancerTargetIP Domain :param ip: str Target IP """ def __init__(self, ip: str | None = None): self.ip = ip
[docs] class LoadBalancerAlgorithm(BaseDomain): """LoadBalancerAlgorithm Domain :param type: str Algorithm of the Load Balancer. Choices: round_robin, least_connections """ def __init__(self, type: str | None = None): self.type = type
class PublicNetwork(BaseDomain): """Public Network Domain :param ipv4: :class:`IPv4Address <hcloud.load_balancers.domain.IPv4Address>` :param ipv6: :class:`IPv6Network <hcloud.load_balancers.domain.IPv6Network>` :param enabled: boolean """ __slots__ = ("ipv4", "ipv6", "enabled") def __init__( self, ipv4: IPv4Address, ipv6: IPv6Network, enabled: bool, ): self.ipv4 = ipv4 self.ipv6 = ipv6 self.enabled = enabled class IPv4Address(BaseDomain): """IPv4 Address Domain :param ip: str The IPv4 Address """ __slots__ = ("ip", "dns_ptr") def __init__( self, ip: str, dns_ptr: str, ): self.ip = ip self.dns_ptr = dns_ptr class IPv6Network(BaseDomain): """IPv6 Network Domain :param ip: str The IPv6 Network as CIDR Notation """ __slots__ = ("ip", "dns_ptr") def __init__( self, ip: str, dns_ptr: str, ): self.ip = ip self.dns_ptr = dns_ptr class PrivateNet(BaseDomain): """PrivateNet Domain :param network: :class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>` The Network the LoadBalancer is attached to :param ip: str The main IP Address of the LoadBalancer in the Network """ __slots__ = ("network", "ip") def __init__( self, network: BoundNetwork, ip: str, ): = network self.ip = ip class CreateLoadBalancerResponse(BaseDomain): """Create Load Balancer Response Domain :param load_balancer: :class:`BoundLoadBalancer <hcloud.load_balancers.client.BoundLoadBalancer>` The created Load Balancer :param action: :class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>` Shows the progress of the Load Balancer creation """ __slots__ = ("load_balancer", "action") def __init__( self, load_balancer: BoundLoadBalancer, action: BoundAction, ): self.load_balancer = load_balancer self.action = action MetricsType = Literal[ "open_connections", "connections_per_second", "requests_per_second", "bandwidth", ] class GetMetricsResponse(BaseDomain): """Get a Load Balancer Metrics Response Domain :param metrics: The Load Balancer metrics """ __slots__ = ("metrics",) def __init__( self, metrics: Metrics, ): self.metrics = metrics