Source code for hcloud.networks.client

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, NamedTuple

from ..actions import ActionsPageResult, BoundAction, ResourceActionsClient
from ..core import BoundModelBase, ClientEntityBase, Meta
from .domain import Network, NetworkRoute, NetworkSubnet

    from .._client import Client

[docs] class BoundNetwork(BoundModelBase, Network): _client: NetworksClient model = Network def __init__(self, client: NetworksClient, data: dict, complete: bool = True): subnets = data.get("subnets", []) if subnets is not None: subnets = [NetworkSubnet.from_dict(subnet) for subnet in subnets] data["subnets"] = subnets routes = data.get("routes", []) if routes is not None: routes = [NetworkRoute.from_dict(route) for route in routes] data["routes"] = routes # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from ..servers import BoundServer servers = data.get("servers", []) if servers is not None: servers = [ BoundServer(client._client.servers, {"id": server}, complete=False) for server in servers ] data["servers"] = servers super().__init__(client, data, complete)
[docs] def update( self, name: str | None = None, expose_routes_to_vswitch: bool | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, ) -> BoundNetwork: """Updates a network. You can update a network’s name and a networks’s labels. :param name: str (optional) New name to set :param expose_routes_to_vswitch: Optional[bool] Indicates if the routes from this network should be exposed to the vSwitch connection. The exposing only takes effect if a vSwitch connection is active. :param labels: Dict[str, str] (optional) User-defined labels (key-value pairs) :return: :class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>` """ return self._client.update( self, name=name, expose_routes_to_vswitch=expose_routes_to_vswitch, labels=labels, )
[docs] def delete(self) -> bool: """Deletes a network. :return: boolean """ return self._client.delete(self)
[docs] def get_actions_list( self, status: list[str] | None = None, sort: list[str] | None = None, page: int | None = None, per_page: int | None = None, ) -> ActionsPageResult: """Returns all action objects for a network. :param status: List[str] (optional) Response will have only actions with specified statuses. Choices: `running` `success` `error` :param sort: List[str] (optional) Specify how the results are sorted. Choices: `id` `id:asc` `id:desc` `command` `command:asc` `command:desc` `status` `status:asc` `status:desc` `progress` `progress:asc` `progress:desc` `started` `started:asc` `started:desc` `finished` `finished:asc` `finished:desc` :param page: int (optional) Specifies the page to fetch :param per_page: int (optional) Specifies how many results are returned by page :return: (List[:class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>`], :class:`Meta <hcloud.core.domain.Meta>`) """ return self._client.get_actions_list(self, status, sort, page, per_page)
[docs] def get_actions( self, status: list[str] | None = None, sort: list[str] | None = None, ) -> list[BoundAction]: """Returns all action objects for a network. :param status: List[str] (optional) Response will have only actions with specified statuses. Choices: `running` `success` `error` :param sort: List[str] (optional) Specify how the results are sorted. Choices: `id` `id:asc` `id:desc` `command` `command:asc` `command:desc` `status` `status:asc` `status:desc` `progress` `progress:asc` `progress:desc` `started` `started:asc` `started:desc` `finished` `finished:asc` `finished:desc` :return: List[:class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>`] """ return self._client.get_actions(self, status, sort)
[docs] def add_subnet(self, subnet: NetworkSubnet) -> BoundAction: """Adds a subnet entry to a network. :param subnet: :class:`NetworkSubnet <hcloud.networks.domain.NetworkSubnet>` The NetworkSubnet you want to add to the Network :return: :class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>` """ return self._client.add_subnet(self, subnet=subnet)
[docs] def delete_subnet(self, subnet: NetworkSubnet) -> BoundAction: """Removes a subnet entry from a network :param subnet: :class:`NetworkSubnet <hcloud.networks.domain.NetworkSubnet>` The NetworkSubnet you want to remove from the Network :return: :class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>` """ return self._client.delete_subnet(self, subnet=subnet)
[docs] def add_route(self, route: NetworkRoute) -> BoundAction: """Adds a route entry to a network. :param route: :class:`NetworkRoute <hcloud.networks.domain.NetworkRoute>` The NetworkRoute you want to add to the Network :return: :class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>` """ return self._client.add_route(self, route=route)
[docs] def delete_route(self, route: NetworkRoute) -> BoundAction: """Removes a route entry to a network. :param route: :class:`NetworkRoute <hcloud.networks.domain.NetworkRoute>` The NetworkRoute you want to remove from the Network :return: :class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>` """ return self._client.delete_route(self, route=route)
[docs] def change_ip_range(self, ip_range: str) -> BoundAction: """Changes the IP range of a network. :param ip_range: str The new prefix for the whole network. :return: :class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>` """ return self._client.change_ip_range(self, ip_range=ip_range)
[docs] def change_protection(self, delete: bool | None = None) -> BoundAction: """Changes the protection configuration of a network. :param delete: boolean If True, prevents the network from being deleted :return: :class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>` """ return self._client.change_protection(self, delete=delete)
class NetworksPageResult(NamedTuple): networks: list[BoundNetwork] meta: Meta | None
[docs] class NetworksClient(ClientEntityBase): _client: Client actions: ResourceActionsClient """Networks scoped actions client :type: :class:`ResourceActionsClient <hcloud.actions.client.ResourceActionsClient>` """ def __init__(self, client: Client): super().__init__(client) self.actions = ResourceActionsClient(client, "/networks")
[docs] def get_by_id(self, id: int) -> BoundNetwork: """Get a specific network :param id: int :return: :class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>` """ response = self._client.request(url=f"/networks/{id}", method="GET") return BoundNetwork(self, response["network"])
[docs] def get_list( self, name: str | None = None, label_selector: str | None = None, page: int | None = None, per_page: int | None = None, ) -> NetworksPageResult: """Get a list of networks from this account :param name: str (optional) Can be used to filter networks by their name. :param label_selector: str (optional) Can be used to filter networks by labels. The response will only contain networks matching the label selector. :param page: int (optional) Specifies the page to fetch :param per_page: int (optional) Specifies how many results are returned by page :return: (List[:class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>`], :class:`Meta <hcloud.core.domain.Meta>`) """ params: dict[str, Any] = {} if name is not None: params["name"] = name if label_selector is not None: params["label_selector"] = label_selector if page is not None: params["page"] = page if per_page is not None: params["per_page"] = per_page response = self._client.request(url="/networks", method="GET", params=params) networks = [ BoundNetwork(self, network_data) for network_data in response["networks"] ] return NetworksPageResult(networks, Meta.parse_meta(response))
[docs] def get_all( self, name: str | None = None, label_selector: str | None = None, ) -> list[BoundNetwork]: """Get all networks from this account :param name: str (optional) Can be used to filter networks by their name. :param label_selector: str (optional) Can be used to filter networks by labels. The response will only contain networks matching the label selector. :return: List[:class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>`] """ return self._iter_pages(self.get_list, name=name, label_selector=label_selector)
[docs] def get_by_name(self, name: str) -> BoundNetwork | None: """Get network by name :param name: str Used to get network by name. :return: :class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>` """ return self._get_first_by(name=name)
[docs] def create( self, name: str, ip_range: str, subnets: list[NetworkSubnet] | None = None, routes: list[NetworkRoute] | None = None, expose_routes_to_vswitch: bool | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, ) -> BoundNetwork: """Creates a network with range ip_range. :param name: str Name of the network :param ip_range: str IP range of the whole network which must span all included subnets and route destinations :param subnets: List[:class:`NetworkSubnet <hcloud.networks.domain.NetworkSubnet>`] Array of subnets allocated :param routes: List[:class:`NetworkRoute <hcloud.networks.domain.NetworkRoute>`] Array of routes set in this network :param expose_routes_to_vswitch: Optional[bool] Indicates if the routes from this network should be exposed to the vSwitch connection. The exposing only takes effect if a vSwitch connection is active. :param labels: Dict[str, str] (optional) User-defined labels (key-value pairs) :return: :class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>` """ data: dict[str, Any] = {"name": name, "ip_range": ip_range} if subnets is not None: data_subnets = [] for subnet in subnets: data_subnet: dict[str, Any] = { "type": subnet.type, "ip_range": subnet.ip_range, "network_zone": subnet.network_zone, } if subnet.vswitch_id is not None: data_subnet["vswitch_id"] = subnet.vswitch_id data_subnets.append(data_subnet) data["subnets"] = data_subnets if routes is not None: data["routes"] = [ {"destination": route.destination, "gateway": route.gateway} for route in routes ] if expose_routes_to_vswitch is not None: data["expose_routes_to_vswitch"] = expose_routes_to_vswitch if labels is not None: data["labels"] = labels response = self._client.request(url="/networks", method="POST", json=data) return BoundNetwork(self, response["network"])
[docs] def update( self, network: Network | BoundNetwork, name: str | None = None, expose_routes_to_vswitch: bool | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, ) -> BoundNetwork: """Updates a network. You can update a network’s name and a network’s labels. :param network: :class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>` or :class:`Network <hcloud.networks.domain.Network>` :param name: str (optional) New name to set :param expose_routes_to_vswitch: Optional[bool] Indicates if the routes from this network should be exposed to the vSwitch connection. The exposing only takes effect if a vSwitch connection is active. :param labels: Dict[str, str] (optional) User-defined labels (key-value pairs) :return: :class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>` """ data: dict[str, Any] = {} if name is not None: data.update({"name": name}) if expose_routes_to_vswitch is not None: data["expose_routes_to_vswitch"] = expose_routes_to_vswitch if labels is not None: data.update({"labels": labels}) response = self._client.request( url=f"/networks/{}", method="PUT", json=data, ) return BoundNetwork(self, response["network"])
[docs] def delete(self, network: Network | BoundNetwork) -> bool: """Deletes a network. :param network: :class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>` or :class:`Network <hcloud.networks.domain.Network>` :return: boolean """ self._client.request(url=f"/networks/{}", method="DELETE") return True
[docs] def get_actions_list( self, network: Network | BoundNetwork, status: list[str] | None = None, sort: list[str] | None = None, page: int | None = None, per_page: int | None = None, ) -> ActionsPageResult: """Returns all action objects for a network. :param network: :class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>` or :class:`Network <hcloud.networks.domain.Network>` :param status: List[str] (optional) Response will have only actions with specified statuses. Choices: `running` `success` `error` :param sort: List[str] (optional) Specify how the results are sorted. Choices: `id` `id:asc` `id:desc` `command` `command:asc` `command:desc` `status` `status:asc` `status:desc` `progress` `progress:asc` `progress:desc` `started` `started:asc` `started:desc` `finished` `finished:asc` `finished:desc` :param page: int (optional) Specifies the page to fetch :param per_page: int (optional) Specifies how many results are returned by page :return: (List[:class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>`], :class:`Meta <hcloud.core.domain.Meta>`) """ params: dict[str, Any] = {} if status is not None: params["status"] = status if sort is not None: params["sort"] = sort if page is not None: params["page"] = page if per_page is not None: params["per_page"] = per_page response = self._client.request( url=f"/networks/{}/actions", method="GET", params=params, ) actions = [ BoundAction(self._client.actions, action_data) for action_data in response["actions"] ] return ActionsPageResult(actions, Meta.parse_meta(response))
[docs] def get_actions( self, network: Network | BoundNetwork, status: list[str] | None = None, sort: list[str] | None = None, ) -> list[BoundAction]: """Returns all action objects for a network. :param network: :class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>` or :class:`Network <hcloud.networks.domain.Network>` :param status: List[str] (optional) Response will have only actions with specified statuses. Choices: `running` `success` `error` :param sort: List[str] (optional) Specify how the results are sorted. Choices: `id` `id:asc` `id:desc` `command` `command:asc` `command:desc` `status` `status:asc` `status:desc` `progress` `progress:asc` `progress:desc` `started` `started:asc` `started:desc` `finished` `finished:asc` `finished:desc` :return: List[:class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>`] """ return self._iter_pages( self.get_actions_list, network, status=status, sort=sort, )
[docs] def add_subnet( self, network: Network | BoundNetwork, subnet: NetworkSubnet, ) -> BoundAction: """Adds a subnet entry to a network. :param network: :class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>` or :class:`Network <hcloud.networks.domain.Network>` :param subnet: :class:`NetworkSubnet <hcloud.networks.domain.NetworkSubnet>` The NetworkSubnet you want to add to the Network :return: :class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>` """ data: dict[str, Any] = { "type": subnet.type, "network_zone": subnet.network_zone, } if subnet.ip_range is not None: data["ip_range"] = subnet.ip_range if subnet.vswitch_id is not None: data["vswitch_id"] = subnet.vswitch_id response = self._client.request( url=f"/networks/{}/actions/add_subnet", method="POST", json=data, ) return BoundAction(self._client.actions, response["action"])
[docs] def delete_subnet( self, network: Network | BoundNetwork, subnet: NetworkSubnet, ) -> BoundAction: """Removes a subnet entry from a network :param network: :class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>` or :class:`Network <hcloud.networks.domain.Network>` :param subnet: :class:`NetworkSubnet <hcloud.networks.domain.NetworkSubnet>` The NetworkSubnet you want to remove from the Network :return: :class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>` """ data: dict[str, Any] = {"ip_range": subnet.ip_range} response = self._client.request( url=f"/networks/{}/actions/delete_subnet", method="POST", json=data, ) return BoundAction(self._client.actions, response["action"])
[docs] def add_route( self, network: Network | BoundNetwork, route: NetworkRoute, ) -> BoundAction: """Adds a route entry to a network. :param network: :class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>` or :class:`Network <hcloud.networks.domain.Network>` :param route: :class:`NetworkRoute <hcloud.networks.domain.NetworkRoute>` The NetworkRoute you want to add to the Network :return: :class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>` """ data: dict[str, Any] = { "destination": route.destination, "gateway": route.gateway, } response = self._client.request( url=f"/networks/{}/actions/add_route", method="POST", json=data, ) return BoundAction(self._client.actions, response["action"])
[docs] def delete_route( self, network: Network | BoundNetwork, route: NetworkRoute, ) -> BoundAction: """Removes a route entry to a network. :param network: :class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>` or :class:`Network <hcloud.networks.domain.Network>` :param route: :class:`NetworkRoute <hcloud.networks.domain.NetworkRoute>` The NetworkRoute you want to remove from the Network :return: :class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>` """ data: dict[str, Any] = { "destination": route.destination, "gateway": route.gateway, } response = self._client.request( url=f"/networks/{}/actions/delete_route", method="POST", json=data, ) return BoundAction(self._client.actions, response["action"])
[docs] def change_ip_range( self, network: Network | BoundNetwork, ip_range: str, ) -> BoundAction: """Changes the IP range of a network. :param network: :class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>` or :class:`Network <hcloud.networks.domain.Network>` :param ip_range: str The new prefix for the whole network. :return: :class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>` """ data: dict[str, Any] = {"ip_range": ip_range} response = self._client.request( url=f"/networks/{}/actions/change_ip_range", method="POST", json=data, ) return BoundAction(self._client.actions, response["action"])
[docs] def change_protection( self, network: Network | BoundNetwork, delete: bool | None = None, ) -> BoundAction: """Changes the protection configuration of a network. :param network: :class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>` or :class:`Network <hcloud.networks.domain.Network>` :param delete: boolean If True, prevents the network from being deleted :return: :class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>` """ data: dict[str, Any] = {} if delete is not None: data.update({"delete": delete}) response = self._client.request( url=f"/networks/{}/actions/change_protection", method="POST", json=data, ) return BoundAction(self._client.actions, response["action"])