Source code for hcloud.primary_ips.domain

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from dateutil.parser import isoparse

from ..core import BaseDomain, DomainIdentityMixin

    from ..actions import BoundAction
    from ..datacenters import BoundDatacenter
    from .client import BoundPrimaryIP

[docs] class PrimaryIP(BaseDomain, DomainIdentityMixin): """Primary IP Domain :param id: int ID of the Primary IP :param ip: str IP address of the Primary IP :param type: str Type of Primary IP. Choices: `ipv4`, `ipv6` :param dns_ptr: List[Dict] Array of reverse DNS entries :param datacenter: :class:`Datacenter <hcloud.datacenters.client.BoundDatacenter>` Datacenter the Primary IP was created in. :param blocked: boolean Whether the IP is blocked :param protection: dict Protection configuration for the Primary IP :param labels: dict User-defined labels (key-value pairs) :param created: datetime Point in time when the Primary IP was created :param name: str Name of the Primary IP :param assignee_id: int Assignee ID the Primary IP is assigned to :param assignee_type: str Assignee Type of entity the Primary IP is assigned to :param auto_delete: bool Delete the Primary IP when the Assignee it is assigned to is deleted. """ __slots__ = ( "id", "ip", "type", "dns_ptr", "datacenter", "blocked", "protection", "labels", "created", "name", "assignee_id", "assignee_type", "auto_delete", ) def __init__( self, id: int | None = None, type: str | None = None, ip: str | None = None, dns_ptr: list[dict] | None = None, datacenter: BoundDatacenter | None = None, blocked: bool | None = None, protection: dict | None = None, labels: dict[str, dict] | None = None, created: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, assignee_id: int | None = None, assignee_type: str | None = None, auto_delete: bool | None = None, ): = id self.type = type self.ip = ip self.dns_ptr = dns_ptr self.datacenter = datacenter self.blocked = blocked = protection self.labels = labels self.created = isoparse(created) if created else None = name self.assignee_id = assignee_id self.assignee_type = assignee_type self.auto_delete = auto_delete
class CreatePrimaryIPResponse(BaseDomain): """Create Primary IP Response Domain :param primary_ip: :class:`BoundPrimaryIP <hcloud.primary_ips.client.BoundPrimaryIP>` The Primary IP which was created :param action: :class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>` The Action which shows the progress of the Primary IP Creation """ __slots__ = ("primary_ip", "action") def __init__( self, primary_ip: BoundPrimaryIP, action: BoundAction | None, ): self.primary_ip = primary_ip self.action = action