Source code for hcloud.ssh_keys.domain

from __future__ import annotations

from dateutil.parser import isoparse

from ..core import BaseDomain, DomainIdentityMixin

[docs] class SSHKey(BaseDomain, DomainIdentityMixin): """SSHKey Domain :param id: int ID of the SSH key :param name: str Name of the SSH key (must be unique per project) :param fingerprint: str Fingerprint of public key :param public_key: str Public Key :param labels: Dict User-defined labels (key-value pairs) :param created: datetime Point in time when the SSH Key was created """ __slots__ = ("id", "name", "fingerprint", "public_key", "labels", "created") def __init__( self, id: int | None = None, name: str | None = None, fingerprint: str | None = None, public_key: str | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, created: str | None = None, ): = id = name self.fingerprint = fingerprint self.public_key = public_key self.labels = labels self.created = isoparse(created) if created else None