Source code for hcloud.networks.domain

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from dateutil.parser import isoparse

from ..core import BaseDomain, DomainIdentityMixin

    from ..actions import BoundAction
    from ..servers import BoundServer
    from .client import BoundNetwork

[docs] class Network(BaseDomain, DomainIdentityMixin): """Network Domain :param id: int ID of the network :param name: str Name of the network :param ip_range: str IPv4 prefix of the whole network :param subnets: List[:class:`NetworkSubnet <hcloud.networks.domain.NetworkSubnet>`] Subnets allocated in this network :param routes: List[:class:`NetworkRoute <hcloud.networks.domain.NetworkRoute>`] Routes set in this network :param expose_routes_to_vswitch: bool Indicates if the routes from this network should be exposed to the vSwitch connection. :param servers: List[:class:`BoundServer <hcloud.servers.client.BoundServer>`] Servers attached to this network :param protection: dict Protection configuration for the network :param labels: dict User-defined labels (key-value pairs) """ __slots__ = ( "id", "name", "ip_range", "subnets", "routes", "expose_routes_to_vswitch", "servers", "protection", "labels", "created", ) def __init__( self, id: int, name: str | None = None, created: str | None = None, ip_range: str | None = None, subnets: list[NetworkSubnet] | None = None, routes: list[NetworkRoute] | None = None, expose_routes_to_vswitch: bool | None = None, servers: list[BoundServer] | None = None, protection: dict | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, ): = id = name self.created = isoparse(created) if created else None self.ip_range = ip_range self.subnets = subnets self.routes = routes self.expose_routes_to_vswitch = expose_routes_to_vswitch self.servers = servers = protection self.labels = labels
[docs] class NetworkSubnet(BaseDomain): """Network Subnet Domain :param type: str Type of sub network. :param ip_range: str Range to allocate IPs from. :param network_zone: str Name of network zone. :param gateway: str Gateway for the route. :param vswitch_id: int ID of the vSwitch. """ TYPE_SERVER = "server" """Subnet Type server, deprecated, use TYPE_CLOUD instead""" TYPE_CLOUD = "cloud" """Subnet Type cloud""" TYPE_VSWITCH = "vswitch" """Subnet Type vSwitch""" __slots__ = ("type", "ip_range", "network_zone", "gateway", "vswitch_id") def __init__( self, ip_range: str, type: str | None = None, network_zone: str | None = None, gateway: str | None = None, vswitch_id: int | None = None, ): self.type = type self.ip_range = ip_range self.network_zone = network_zone self.gateway = gateway self.vswitch_id = vswitch_id
[docs] class NetworkRoute(BaseDomain): """Network Route Domain :param destination: str Destination network or host of this route. :param gateway: str Gateway for the route. """ __slots__ = ("destination", "gateway") def __init__(self, destination: str, gateway: str): self.destination = destination self.gateway = gateway
[docs] class CreateNetworkResponse(BaseDomain): """Create Network Response Domain :param network: :class:`BoundNetwork <hcloud.networks.client.BoundNetwork>` The network which was created :param action: :class:`BoundAction <hcloud.actions.client.BoundAction>` The Action which shows the progress of the network Creation """ __slots__ = ("network", "action") def __init__( self, network: BoundNetwork, action: BoundAction, ): = network self.action = action